Sunday, May 17, 2015

Neuroscience and Art

As seen previously, art and science are very connected. Art can provide a foundation for many different things. One of these things is science, and more specifically neuroscience.  Neuroscience has anything to do with the manipulation, pharmacology, development or structure of the nervous system. We are continually making advancements in this field, and many of these advancements come from art. First of all, the technology we use in the field or neuroscience is all considered art. The structures we make, and the perspectives we use to create these structures is truly mind-blowing. 

A neuroscientist, Mark Cohen, looked deeply into this field, and conducted many studies. He made a study altered a person's perception through goggles, and over time the neurological adjustment became quicker and quicker, proving the nervous system's ability to adapt. The goggles altered the person's perception and turned everything upside down. He found that while the altered perception does take awhile, after frequently taking the goggles on and off, your brain reacts much quicker time after time (Cohen). 

Not only is art connected to neuroscience through technology, it also connected through the structure of the neurological system. Scientists have discovered the affects certain things have on the neurological system, and it is amazing how much the system is affected. Things such as music can trigger the neurological system and help express emotions. Neuroscience is clearly linked to art, and it is great to see the two intertwine. 

 Cohen, Mark. Neuroscience-Mark Cohen. 2012. Web. 17 May 2015.

Costandi, Mo. "The Discovery of the Neuron." Neurophilosophy. Wordpress, 29 Aug. 2006. Web. 15 May 2015
“Neuroscience.” 2015. Web. 17 May 2015
Penrose, Roger. ""Consciousness Involves Noncomputable Ingredients"." Simon and Schuster. Web. 17 May 2015. <>.
"The Neuroscience Of Music." Conde Nast Digital, n.d. Web. 18 May 2015.
Vesna, Victoria. "Neuroscience Pt. 1. "Youtube. 17 May 2012. Web. 15 May 2015.

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