Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Event 1: Hammer Museum

I did not know what to expect before arriving at the Hammer Museum, as I had no idea what they had there. To be honest, I went because it was close to campus, but I could not be happier that it is one of the place I chose to go to. It was a very cool place with a lot of art that caught my attention.
One of the things in this class that always intrigued me was the connection between technology and art, and there were plenty of examples of this at the museum. As strange as it sounds, the first thing that caught my eye at the Hammer Museum were these weird things on the ground that looked like a spinning top. I would have never known what their use was if there were not other people sitting down in them. You could sit down in them and spin around without ever falling over. Although it may not be extremely advanced technology, it really impressed me. I had some fun in my little chair and then moved on throughout the museum.

There were also other pieces that really caught my eye. The rolling London Bridge amazed me. It was one of the most advanced ideas I had ever seen in something as basic as a bridge. The bridge has the ability to lay out completely flat for people to go over, but if a boat needs to pass by, it can roll up into a ball. I would have never thought it was even possible if I had never seen this display. The Hammer Museum presented lots of cool and fun displays that really related to what I learned in this class.

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